I've been enjoying everyone's pictures of their Little Darlings going back to school, but something is missing. Where are the other kids? You know, the one's who cry and cling to the leg as you walk away? Not saying mine did that, just saying. Surely kids still do that??
I remember those sweet days of summer's end, when I took my own sweet babies down those long halls at Stevenson Elementary School. Moms I knew would say "I'm so *@%$# glad mine are going back to school!!" I always felt like an outsider, because I enjoyed my Little Darlings and was never ready for them to go back. I'm weird like that. At least I felt weird, because I seemed to be the only Mom not feeling that way!
Yesterday, I was looking at all the pictures of the room of a kindergarten teacher named Lauren Lackey. It was phenomenal, colorful, just the kind of space that made a kid's imagination blossom! You could literally feel the love emanating from those pictures of her room! Brody had some rooms like that - imaginative & happy places that truly showed how much the teacher cared! Gosh, some days I would love to be a kindergarten teacher just so I could decorate the room!! Not really, I'm not "teacher material".
So many of my kids' teachers hold a special place in my heart. You knew they taught because they loved to teach. Because they really liked kids! Maybe even because that was what they were called to do. There was the rare Doozie who really wasn't cut out to be a teacher, maybe more a prison guard? LOL!! All kidding aside, I do believe most of them loved their profession and loved "their" kids.
I actually still remember my schools days, which began just down the hill from my house at Fairview Elementary School. Home of the Fairview Bobcats!! Mrs. Bushey was the librarian, and the stuffed bobcat stood sentinel over Dick & Jane, there in the library. That bobcat was actually killed on the grounds when the school was being built. If I close my eyes, I can still see him.
Mrs. Koger was my 1st grade teacher. She was vertically challenged & what we would now call "elderly". I loved her! She was warm and kind, but she would whack your palm with a ruler if you messed up. I can still smell that white paste you dobbed out of the jar with the orange lid scoopy thingy! And we didn't have $150 worth of supplies we lugged in on that first day. We had our 1st grade tablet, our big fat 1st grade pencil, some little scissors that wouldn't cut hot butter & an 8 pack of Crayolas. That was pretty much it. Oh, and lunch money. Fish on Friday, dished out by Mrs. Noblitt & Mrs. Tudors.
I can recall so many teachers from that school, and in a positive light. Ms. Beatty, Smith, Higginbotham, Sloan, Ezell, Rohke - the list goes on. And Mr. Barrett, the PE teacher. Because back then you had real PE - work up a sweat PE - chin-ups PE. I was always so jealous of Debbie Brodie back then, because she was the best female athlete in school!! I remember Beth Cartee was going to whip my ass after school one day, because she had a crush on Morris Johnson and she thought I had a crush on him. She really scared the bejeebers out of me, because she could do this vibrating thing with her eyes. Anyway, the fight never happened, thank God!
Mr. Barrett taught 6th grade, if I remember correctly. We had to memorize the Sportsman's Creed and the periodic table. He gave me my first, and only, paddling. Yes, quiet little Joy. He had a class rule that you raised your hand to get up. We're all completing papers, and he says "When you're finished, put your papers on my desk". So I did. So did Joe Duvall & Sammy Carter. That was permission, in my book. Well.. me, Sammy & Joe took a paddling over that. Pfffft. I think that was the first time I was ready to protest the injustices of the world!! (btw, anyone else in Fairview remember when Joe Duvall rode his bicycle nekkid down Jenkins Road??)...
I could ramble on forever, mentioning Wally Crane at Rossville Jr High, Mr. Roberts & Ms. Emerson at High School. Mary Knight & Mrs. Houston, 2 of the toughest PE teachers ever!! Mrs. Arledge, so many.. too many to possibly mention all. But all positive influences in my life. All working in one of the least appreciated professions, IMHO. All helping me become the best I could be. So..
Teachers, we never forget the good, or the bad. Be the good.
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